Here we are, Ae and Trig, or as we were known over the weekend, Aelora Campbell and Taryn Tressler. We make some very cool cops, eh? No wonder Bester was so fraggin scared of us! This was taken Friday afternoon while we were at the Walk of Fame, prepared to attack the Babylon 5 cast members. This was before we became known as "Those two Psi Cops with the Centauri Emperor". Heh...heh...heh...ahem.... |
Trig could not help but smile with this man's arm around her! Seriously, Richard Biggs should wear nothing but tight shirts and we would be quite content to stare at him all day. Actually, the sad part was the first time he did catch us staring at him -- quite blatantly in fact! |
And yet another one with that infernal hottie doctor! We purposely walked by the poor man constantly just to stare! |
This pic was taken shortly after Jason Carter referred to me as "the sweet one" and Trig as "the bitch". Yep, he pegged us immediately. Actually he wasn't too pleased when Trig told him her favorite scene was when Neroon beat the shit out of Marcus. Hence, his new nickname for her. |
It's rare that one captures a photo as priceless as this one! Poor Jason! He kept getting upset each time my fiancé snapped the camera because he never gave us any notice that he was taking a picture. Jason wanted to pose. At this point, Jason was explaining that one was supposed to count to "3" and say "cheese". Instead, Rick took the picture and subsequently, Jason said, "What are you doing, you dick?!" We about died of laughter. After explaining that his real name was Richard, Jason felt better that calling him a "dick" had some bearing after all. |
I am having trouble thinking of anything to say about Bob at this point in time. Perhaps you heard rumors. If not, then this is simply a nice fan photo. If you have, then think of this as the beginning of one hell of a memorable evening! |
He is a hottie, isn't he?? Sure, he plucked the eye
from my favorite Narn and was willing to sacrifice his people for his
own godhood -- but hey! The man knows how to party! Oh, was
that my outside voice??
"Whatever you heard about Friday night, I apologize. I
don't remember much of it." |
Thanks to Trig and her impeccable ability to embarrass me, Andreas just asked me what it was exactly that I wanted to "do" to G'Kar. Trig happily supplied him with more than a few answers while I quietly admitted that his imagination could run wild. |
The poor man called me sweet and kissed my cheek. All I could wonder was what the hell would he think if he read some of "Ranger, Warrior, Soldier" and seen for himself what I would do to G'Kar! He flirted with me the rest of the weekend, blowing kisses and such. He was a total and complete sweetheart. |
Now check out our autographed pics!